January 9, 2023 12:00 am
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Keeping your bicycle in shape in all respects is essential, including changing your brake pads when you need to. The following is some information about the importance of replacing your bicycle’s brakes and how you can tell that the time has come to do so. How Often Should I Replace My Bike’s Brake Pads? Bicycle enthusiasts advise bike owners to change their brake pads every 20,000 miles at least. However, if you notice abnormal wear, you should change them sooner. For example, it’s time to replace them if they are less than 1/8 inch thick. How To Tell Your Bicycle’s... View Article
December 26, 2022 4:40 pm
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Bicycles have apparently become a hot commodity among would-be thieves today, and as one story reported, the problem has only grown over the past couple of years. The issue of bicycle theft, in addition to the current spike in thefts, has only added to the importance of finding and using the best bicycle locks. So, the answer is simple, just go to the local bike shop or store and get a bicycle lock, right? The problem, however, isn’t finding the best locks for protecting your bike or e-bike. The problem is choosing between the abundance of bicycle locks on the market. The... View Article
December 12, 2022 12:00 am
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Bicycles are great fun for people of all ages. They are also a great way to get exercise, and they provide an affordable means of transportation. For the most part, bicycles also require little maintenance, but there are some things we should know, like how often should you change your bicycle bearings. It could easily be argued that the most important part of your bicycle isn’t what you can see but what you can’t see. Yes, the tires, chain, and even the steering bar are necessary, but none of those parts work without bearings. That is also why the bearings on your... View Article
November 28, 2022 12:00 am
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Cycling is an absolutely fantastic form of exercise, but it can be dangerous, especially if you are not wearing the proper safety gear. This does not just mean helmets and pads, but also safety vests that allow other cyclists and cars to see you. High-visibility clothing is a crucial part of safe cycling, and knowing why can help you see the real significance. Why Reflective Clothing Is Important When Cycling Every year, hundreds of cyclists are injured and even killed by accidents caused because drivers could not see them in the dark or fading light. Reflective clothing helps to draw... View Article
November 7, 2022 12:00 am
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Daylight savings time is upon us. This is the time of year when extra caution is needed for outdoor activities during certain hours. This definitely includes those walking or cycling in the dark. This quick guide will provide some early darkness safety tips for cyclists you can use to stay safe out on the roads. During this time of year, it is important for everyone to use added caution when out in the evenings. This applies to cyclists, pedestrians, children at play, and drivers. Be aware Simply being aware that there are more dangers at this time of year... View Article