When To Repair Your Bicycle VS Buying a New One
August 15, 2022 12:00 am Leave your thoughtsA bicycle will have a surprisingly long life span when it is given the proper care and maintenance. If your bike has sustained some damage or some wear and tear, you may be wondering, "Should I fix my bike or is it time to upgrade my bike for a new one?" This is an important question and the answer could possibly save you a lot of money.
Let’s consider a few factors to help you decide the question, “When do I need a new bike?”
Fix the Old One
If you have an older bike that looks like it has seen better days, you might start thinking you should just trash it for a newer model. Buying a new bike is not always the best answer though. The following factors should be considered. If your bike meets the following criteria, you might want to consider simply having it fixed rather than scraping it.
Frame, fork, wheels are good quality – These are the foundation of the bike. If the wheels, fork, and frame are still in good shape, you should probably just have the bike repaired.
The bike suites you – If you have in your possession an older bike that really suits you, and you dread the thought of transitioning to a new bike, go ahead and have a bike mechanic check out your bike for repairs. A good bike mechanic can have your old bike looking and working like new in no time.
Alterations could be made – If it is possible to make alterations to the bike so that it is the ideal fit for you, go ahead and invest in those alterations. This is often a far more cost-effective change than buying a whole new bike.
Repairs fit your budget – You should discuss how much repairs will cost with your mechanic. If you have a budget in mind, be sure that the repairs fit neatly into that budget. If buying a new bike fits better into your budget, repairs may not be the best bet.
Buy a New One
You might want to buy a brand-new bike if any of the following factors apply.
You plan to ride a lot – If you are thinking about using your bike as a legit mode of transportation, you will want a bike that is safe, durable, and perfect for your fit. You cannot afford to cheap out when a bike is your transportation.
The bike is not worth much – If you have a department store quality bike that is in need of expensive repairs, this is likely not a good investment. Saving the repair money to buy a new bike in the future would make more sense.
The bike is unsafe – If you have your bike checked out by a mechanic and they determine that the entire bike is unsafe, you will want to consider buying a new bike. The only exception might be if the bike has sentimental value for you.
The frame is damaged – When a bike’s frame is damaged it is very difficult to repair it properly. If a frame is cracked, bent, rusted through, or has broken welds, it is not safe to continue riding.
Categorised in: Bikes
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