What Is Disk Brake Rub And How To Fix it

March 6, 2023 3:36 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Check The Rotor 

When a brake pad and rotor are rubbing together, it’s known as disc brake rub. It’s usually caused by a caliper that isn’t properly aligned. To fix it, loosen the two bolts that attach the caliper to the frame or fork just enough to move it side-to-side. Then, push the caliper into alignment until you can see the gap between the rotor and the brake pads. If you can’t get it straight with this method, a common fix is to use a rotor truing tool. This will bend the rotor back into place. But keep in mind that it’s not always possible to true a warped rotor, and you’ll likely have to replace it. 

Check The Pads 

Disk brake rub is a common problem and can be annoying to deal with. However, it is usually fairly easy to fix by simply replacing the pads. First, you need to check the pad material. Different types of pads are designed to work at varying temperatures. If your pads are worn down to the metal holder or if they look glazed, they need to be replaced. To do this, you need to remove the wheel and rotor, and then inspect your pad inside an inspection opening in the caliper. If the linings look thinner than they should be, they will need to be replaced. 

Check The Brake Cables 

It is important to check that all of your cables are moving freely and not stuck. If there is any slack, it can cause the brakes to slow down or respond slowly. This can be caused by a variety of issues, such as cable housings that are corroded, clogged up or frayed. If you suspect this, take your bike to a mechanic for service as soon as possible. 

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