March 9, 2020 3:24 pm
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Cycling in Boca Raton is an experience like no other. Florida’s gorgeous weather, combined with a delightful bike-friendly attitude, makes tooling around on your two-wheeler incredibly enjoyable for seasoned veterans and novice riders alike. In fact, more than 84 miles of bike trails, bike lanes and paved shoulders make Boca Raton one of the most bicycle-accessible cities in the Southeast. And that’s just the beginning of the benefits of cycling in Boca Raton, FL. Go easy on the joints Looking for a way to get more active without putting too much stress on your joints? Biking is perfect. When you... View Article
February 20, 2020 4:49 pm
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If you’re a frequent road bike rider, a good general rule is that you should pump your tires at least once or twice a week. But if you don’t go out that often, before every ride is probably a good idea. Road bike tires will lose pressure relatively quickly (even after just four or five days of sitting), so it’s a good idea to check your bike tire pressure in Boca Raton, FL frequently and make the adjustments as needed. In most cases, road bike tires should fall somewhere between 80 and 130 psi. But why is it that bike... View Article
February 6, 2020 4:49 pm
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There are many people around the United States who rely on power wheelchairs and scooters to get around in their everyday lives. These devices are a great assistance and convenience in most cases, but when they develop problems it can be difficult for the average person to troubleshoot them without calling for the assistance of a professional repair technician. While you can always call in for professional help, there are some circumstances in which you might be able to make some minor wheelchair repairs in Boca Raton, FL yourself, allowing you to avoid the big expenses associated with service calls.... View Article
January 22, 2020 10:11 pm
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Mobile bike shops are becoming increasingly popular across America, and for good reason—in a world where we spend most of our time at work, any service that cuts down on your errands and makes it more convenient to take care of your possessions is a win in anyone’s book. Have you tried a mobile bike shop in Boca Raton, FL? You might be surprised at the benefits beyond the mere convenience. Want to find out for yourself? Set up an appointment with Bicycle Doctor House Calls and find out why our customers love us: Convenience: Of course, the number one... View Article
January 8, 2020 10:11 pm
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Like any vehicle, your bike needs basic maintenance to keep it running smoothly and ensure a safe ride for you. In fact, depending on how much you ride your bike, you might want to schedule a bike tune-up in Boca Raton, FL more frequently than just once a year. For the average rider, however, an annual bike tune-up should do the trick. What should your bike tune-up include? Aside from any glaringly obvious problems, here is a basic list of what you’ll need to do on your own or what your professional bike tune-up should include in order to ensure... View Article