August 14, 2020 1:09 pm
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When the first velocipedes hit the streets in the early 19th century, few people thought these contraptions would create any sort of lasting impact. Over two centuries later, bicycling is one of the most popular outdoor recreation activities in the world. Not only is riding a bike tons of fun, but cycling in Boca Raton, FL has numerous benefits to your overall health and wellbeing. Why you should be going on more bike rides We think cycling in Boca Raton, FL is the best. Whether we’re cruising a trail or commuting somewhere, we can’t get enough when it comes to... View Article
July 31, 2020 1:09 pm
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Living in sunny southern Florida means we get to enjoy ideal cycling weather almost all year round. With so many opportune times to go for a ride, your bicycle is probably in need of some standard maintenance. While you can perform a bike tune-up in Boca Raton, FL on your own, you should consider taking your bicycle to a professional or having one of the team members at Bicycle Doctor House Calls pay your ride a visit. How often should I tune up my bike? Regular bike maintenance all depends on how often you ride and how much mileage you... View Article
July 16, 2020 11:42 pm
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To someone who has yet to discover the wonderful world of bicycling, a bike might seem like a simple machine—a couple pedals, two wheels, some handles and you’re done. Any avid rider, though, understands that any bicycle is a complex mechanism that can present any number of issues when something goes wrong. If you’re concerned about problems with your bike in Boca Raton, FL, here are some tips for diagnosing the issue. The seat is stuck When you finally get your seat adjusted to the right height and angle, you may not give its movement much thought. However, over an... View Article
July 2, 2020 11:42 pm
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There are few better ways to see the sunny streets of Boca Raton than from the saddle of a bike. If you’re new to the hobby, you’re definitely going to want to get some wheels of your own. After all, riding a bicycle isn’t truly fun until you’re cruising around on a machine that is all yours. Before buying a bike in Boca Raton, FL, here are some factors to keep in mind. Know how you’re going to bike Are you out for exercise on a city bike? Do you want to cruise off-road or on the beach? When you... View Article
June 15, 2020 11:13 pm
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The winter is well and truly behind us, and that means our little corner of Florida is about to experience a long series of hot days right in a row. If we’re lucky, the temperature will get down to a comfortable mid-70s during the evening. While the heat is just part and parcel of living in Florida, that doesn’t make it easier to get out and ride a bicycle when the days are at their hottest. Staying active on your bicycle is essential, though. You don’t want to lose the progress you made during the more temperate months of the... View Article