March 15, 2021 8:01 pm
Published by Writer
Don’t mistake them for a passing trend, because electric scooters are here to stay! Scooter sharing companies have expanded to bustling cities all across the country, and sales of individual scooters are on the rise as well. Read on to find out why scooters are popular in Boca Raton, FL and the rest of the United States. Affordable alternative Just like any consumer product, scooters come in a range of prices, but they’ll generally still be cheaper than all modes of transportation other than walking. The cost of a scooter and a helmet pales in comparison to that of a... View Article
December 16, 2020 9:52 pm
Published by Writer
Living in Florida means that the weather is almost always suitable for riding your electric scooter around town. Getting out around town is a fun way to enjoy the fresh air, the sunshine and the views—but it’s important that you stay safe, too. Follow these electric scooter safety tips and keep up with electric scooter repair services in Boca Raton, FL to make sure your jaunts around town are injury-free: Wear a helmet: This is the number one safety tip for a reason. Even if you’re far from a daredevil, accidents can happen. If you leave your head unprotected, you’re... View Article
July 5, 2018 7:57 pm
Published by Writer
Owning a Razor scooter is no fun if you aren’t able to ride it as frequently as you would like due to frequent maintenance and repair issues. In order to avoid the types of problems that could cause serious damage to your scooter, regular visits to a scooter repair shop in Boca Raton, FL will be necessary. Here are a few tips on how to maintain and have your Razor scooter properly serviced. Proper tire inflation It is the tires that ensure that your scooter safely maintains contact with the ground, and prevent the tube from rotating during acceleration and... View Article