December 21, 2019 10:23 pm
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Biking to work in Boca Raton, FL can be a fun, fast and healthy way to commute, but many Americans opt for their car instead. If you’re on the fence about whether you should choose two wheels over four, let us give you some of our top reasons why biking to work can make your life better: Stay fit: Obviously, the top reason to bike to work is that it will help keep you in shape—especially if you have a sedentary office job. Come on, get happy: It’s not just that biking is fun (and it is). Getting fresh air,... View Article
December 7, 2019 10:23 pm
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If biking in Boca Raton, FL is more painful than pleasurable, you might be suffering from the wrong bike fit. Having an improperly adjusted bike (or one that’s just plain too big or small) can lead to numbness, joint pain, back pain and more. Not only is that bad for your body, but it can discourage even the most avid rider from getting out on their bike. Having your bike professionally fitted can make a world of difference. Why bike fit matters Because everyone’s body is different, not every bike will work for you. Some people may be too tall... View Article
November 20, 2019 7:29 pm
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There are plenty of people in the state of Florida who use their bicycle as their primary means of transportation. Whether you spend a lot of time on your bike out on the roads or just do it every now and then for fun, it’s important you understand the rules of the road and how they affect cyclists. Here’s a quick overview of some important bicycle laws in Boca Raton, FL. Equal rights and rules with other vehicles Bicycles are considered vehicles in the state of Florida, the same as cars, trucks and buses, even though they do not have... View Article
November 6, 2019 7:29 pm
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All cyclists should make it a point to wear helmets when they’re riding their bikes for their own personal safety. Numerous studies have been done on the importance and benefit of wearing helmets, and it has been shown that helmets reduce the risk of head injuries by as much as 88 percent, as well as the risk of facial injuries by 65 percent. There really is no reason not to wear a helmet every time you’re out on your bike. Beyond the safety reasons for wearing a helmet, there are also legal ones to take into account. Many states and... View Article
October 18, 2019 11:59 pm
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Electric bikes, or “e-bikes,” have exploded in popularity in recent years. Look around in any specialty bike shop and you’ll likely find a few e-bike options. If you’re interested in buying one, you can ask a representative about what you need to know beforehand. Alternatively, you can consider converting your old-school bicycle to a modern-day e-bike with an electric bike kit made by a reputable company. An electric bike is a bicycle fitted with a battery-powered motor that does a lot of the pedaling for you. The motor is attached to a wheel, and the battery pack is rechargeable. While... View Article