June 19, 2019 10:04 pm
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In many American cities, bike lanes have become all the rage. While it is an important step forward to give cyclists their own space in which to ride on the road, some find that bike lanes cause confusion, and can even exacerbate dangers for cyclists in some traffic situations. When cyclists ride on the sidewalk, it poses a safety risk to pedestrians, and can make it challenging for people in wheelchairs and other mobility devices. That’s why it’s illegal for cyclists to ride on sidewalks in the vast majority of municipalities. At the same time, riding on the street can... View Article
June 5, 2019 10:04 pm
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Riding a bicycle isn’t just a fun, exciting way to get around and enjoy the outdoors. Cycling also has a number of health and environmental benefits that you should be aware of. Opting to ride a bike, rather than driving a car, is good for your body, your mind and the environment. Cycling allows you to connect with your local environment and improve your physical health. Riding a bike is low-impact exercise that virtually anyone can participate in. Additionally, riding a bike will provide you with valuable exposure to the sun, giving you your necessary daily dose of vitamin D.... View Article
May 21, 2019 11:19 pm
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Walk into any fully equipped gym and you will notice a variety of machines, weights and workout classes available. There are many different types of exercises you can do, but the right exercise for you depends on your physical ability and age. You can get your sweat on indoors, or head to the great outdoors for a dose of sunshine and fresh air. But if you have a lower back issue, exercise can seem daunting, painful, even downright unbearable—so what are your options? Let’s take a look at bicycling. This popular form of exercise is a good option for those... View Article
May 7, 2019 11:19 pm
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It doesn’t matter the type or style of bicycle you ride—your safety while pedaling anywhere is important. What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear a bicyclist has been injured on a city street? You probably assume they were involved in a collision with a vehicle. While bike-to-car contact, especially at a high speed, is very dangerous, cyclists are regularly faced with other potential dangers. One lesser known danger is associated with bicycle equipment failure. There are many reasons for this type of failure, some of which happen during the assembly or manufacturing process. Help yourself... View Article
April 18, 2019 8:16 pm
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There is nothing more disturbing to a nice peaceful bicycle ride than loud squeaking or grinding noises coming from your bike. In some cases, a minor adjustment can alleviate the irritating sounds, but other times a deeper bicycle inspection in Boca Raton, FL is needed. Follow along with this guide for help with identifying some of the most common noises you may hear coming from your bicycle: Lack of lubrication: If your bicycle chain has not been lubricated or cleaned in a while, you may notice a squeaking noise when you pedal. If you still hear the squeaking coming from... View Article