What to Expect When You Purchase a Bicycle Online

October 8, 2018 2:44 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re in the market for a new bicycle, you have a lot of options. You can visit a big box retailer that sells bikes or check out your local bike repair shop in Boca Raton, FL for new or refurbished bike sales. Another increasingly popular option, though, is to purchase a bicycle from an online retailer. These websites sell bikes direct to consumers, and you can have your bike delivered right to your front door. While this method of shopping sounds like a great choice, there are some things you should be aware of before clicking “buy now.” Bike... View Article

The Importance of Having a Working Wheelchair

September 7, 2018 4:33 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Many of us take our mobility for granted. For people who are not mobile, it is imperative to have a working wheelchair. Children and adults who have physical disabilities rely on properly functioning wheelchairs to navigate through their everyday lives. Our company is happy to provide wheelchair repair in Boca Raton, FL for customers throughout south Florida. Types of wheelchairs There are numerous types of wheelchairs available, and the technology is constantly evolving. We’re pleased to perform repair work on just about any type of wheelchair you might have. The standard manual wheelchair has been around for many years. The... View Article

We Deliver Bicycles for Rentals!

July 19, 2018 7:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Although riding a bicycle at every opportunity is a fun and rewarding adventure, there are some instances in which owning or using your own bike isn’t always a viable option. Whether you are in a new city without a vehicle, or you don’t have the space needed at home to store your own bike, rentals are a great way to have access to a bicycle even when you don’t have one of your own. Your mobile bike repair shop in Boca Raton, FL is here to explain a few of the benefits that bicycle rentals can afford. Exploring a new... View Article

Visit an Authorized Razor Scooter Repair Shop in Boca Raton, FL to Keep Your Scooter in Top Shape

July 5, 2018 7:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Owning a Razor scooter is no fun if you aren’t able to ride it as frequently as you would like due to frequent maintenance and repair issues. In order to avoid the types of problems that could cause serious damage to your scooter, regular visits to a scooter repair shop in Boca Raton, FL will be necessary. Here are a few tips on how to maintain and have your Razor scooter properly serviced. Proper tire inflation It is the tires that ensure that your scooter safely maintains contact with the ground, and prevent the tube from rotating during acceleration and... View Article

Why Mobile Bike Shops are More Convenient Than Online Stores

June 20, 2018 10:40 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re in need of a new bicycle or require bicycle repair in Boca Raton, FL, you may be wondering whether you should take your business to an online store or a locally owned and operated bicycle shop. While it may be cheaper to purchase and repair a bicycle through an online retailer, those cost savings are often negated when one factors in the costs associated with shipping a bicycle either one or both ways. Additionally, it’s impossible for an online company to provide the same high-quality customer service associated with face-to-face interaction provided by a representative from a locally... View Article

Bicycle Doctor House Calls