July 31, 2020 1:09 pm
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Living in sunny southern Florida means we get to enjoy ideal cycling weather almost all year round. With so many opportune times to go for a ride, your bicycle is probably in need of some standard maintenance. While you can perform a bike tune-up in Boca Raton, FL on your own, you should consider taking your bicycle to a professional or having one of the team members at Bicycle Doctor House Calls pay your ride a visit. How often should I tune up my bike? Regular bike maintenance all depends on how often you ride and how much mileage you... View Article
July 16, 2020 11:42 pm
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To someone who has yet to discover the wonderful world of bicycling, a bike might seem like a simple machine—a couple pedals, two wheels, some handles and you’re done. Any avid rider, though, understands that any bicycle is a complex mechanism that can present any number of issues when something goes wrong. If you’re concerned about problems with your bike in Boca Raton, FL, here are some tips for diagnosing the issue. The seat is stuck When you finally get your seat adjusted to the right height and angle, you may not give its movement much thought. However, over an... View Article
May 21, 2019 11:19 pm
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Walk into any fully equipped gym and you will notice a variety of machines, weights and workout classes available. There are many different types of exercises you can do, but the right exercise for you depends on your physical ability and age. You can get your sweat on indoors, or head to the great outdoors for a dose of sunshine and fresh air. But if you have a lower back issue, exercise can seem daunting, painful, even downright unbearable—so what are your options? Let’s take a look at bicycling. This popular form of exercise is a good option for those... View Article
March 7, 2019 3:13 am
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Bicycle wheel rims can warp for a number of reasons. The warpage can be severe, or it can be more subtle. Depending on the type of warpage that you’re experiencing with your bicycle, there’s a chance that you can’t even get your vehicle to operate. If you’re experiencing severe warpage on your bike’s tire rim, you shouldn’t attempt to ride your cycle. Instead, you should call for the assistance of a qualified mobile bike repair expert. Investing in mobile bike repair in Boca Raton, FL is a great way to keep your bike in premier condition, and ensure that it’s... View Article
January 21, 2019 10:48 pm
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Exercising and losing weight are among the most common new year’s resolutions out there, and for good reason—whether you are doing it for serious health reasons or just want to drop a pant size, most people could stand to lose a few pounds. But with all the fad diets and trendy workout regimens out there, it is difficult to know which weight loss method will be best for you. Fortunately, cycling is that old-fashioned exercise method that really works—and that you can have fun while doing! Because biking isn’t solely about exercise, it is often more realistic to work it... View Article