Top Things to Avoid When Purchasing A New Bicycle

May 30, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Cycling is a fun and great way to exercise! Not only is it great for cardio and endurance, but it also allows you to go on quick road trip adventures. With so many beautiful outdoor views to enjoy, owning your own bike becomes a convenient investment. First-time bike owners, however, should realize that not all bikes are created equal. There are different types for different trails, with different functions. It’s recommended that you first look into what to consider when buying a bicycle, so you can get exactly the right one for you. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here’s... View Article

Why It’s Important To Have Your Bicycle Repaired By a Professional

May 9, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Whether it’s for a casual hobby or for serious sports training, keeping your bicycle in great shape is very important. It not only helps ensure good performance from you, but it also keeps you safe on the road or trail. Inevitably, however, damages or wear and tear will arise. When it does, you need to act fast before the damage gets any worse. Be careful trying to fix the problem by DIY-ing it. Ideally, you should have a professional take care of it for you.  If you’re hesitant because you want to save money, then think about how much more it will... View Article

How to Create a Perfect Custom Bicycle for Your Needs

April 28, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Why should I build my own custom bike? Having your custom bike comes with a myriad of benefits. You’ll, however, need to decide what type of riding you want and your preferred design. The riding of your preference will determine the frame size and geometry. The frame size should be in proportion to your height, while the geometry will depend on you. The components you add will depend on your budget, riding style and what you like to do. What is needed to build my own custom bicycle? Learn more. Choose Your Bike Material The material must be light but durable... View Article

Why You Need an Electric Bike and Its Benefits

April 8, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Electric bikes are becoming a more popular choice for consumers. They’re small and easy to use, yet they offer many benefits and services that traditional bikes don’t. They’re common for people who want to enjoy an electric bike’s journey (and power). Electric bikes offer an ideal way to experience the outdoors without car-ties. They’re also great for people who are tired of getting around on foot. Riding an electric bike is easy, and it can save you money and time. How Electric Bikes Work The bikes are powered by electric motors, which power the wheels. The batteries are used to... View Article

How to Test Your Electric Bike’s Battery

March 8, 2022 10:14 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Owning an electric bike can be a lot of fun. They’re great for just getting you where you need to go, but they’re also way more efficient at doing so than your standard bicycle, and as a result they open up the possibility of taking longer rides and going places a regular bike might not be able to take you. There’s just one catch: The battery needs to be charged. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a really tough spot! Knowing how to check the health of your e-bike battery is a big part of responsible electric bike ownership. Read... View Article

Bicycle Doctor House Calls