July 5, 2018 7:57 pm
Published by Writer
Owning a Razor scooter is no fun if you aren’t able to ride it as frequently as you would like due to frequent maintenance and repair issues. In order to avoid the types of problems that could cause serious damage to your scooter, regular visits to a scooter repair shop in Boca Raton, FL will be necessary. Here are a few tips on how to maintain and have your Razor scooter properly serviced. Proper tire inflation It is the tires that ensure that your scooter safely maintains contact with the ground, and prevent the tube from rotating during acceleration and... View Article
June 20, 2018 10:40 pm
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If you’re in need of a new bicycle or require bicycle repair in Boca Raton, FL, you may be wondering whether you should take your business to an online store or a locally owned and operated bicycle shop. While it may be cheaper to purchase and repair a bicycle through an online retailer, those cost savings are often negated when one factors in the costs associated with shipping a bicycle either one or both ways. Additionally, it’s impossible for an online company to provide the same high-quality customer service associated with face-to-face interaction provided by a representative from a locally... View Article
June 6, 2018 10:39 pm
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Building and maintaining a bicycle is a deceptively simple task. While it may seem like building your new bike is as easy as reading through a brief instruction manual and tightening a couple of screws, the act of building a bicycle is actually much more complex than that. It’s important to recognize the challenges associated with bike assembly and maintenance to ensure that you’re not damaging your bicycle. If you’re struggling to assemble or maintain your bicycle, you should reach out for professional assistance from a bike repair shop in Boca Raton, FL. Working with a professional bicycle repair specialist... View Article
May 22, 2018 11:54 pm
Published by Writer
During the summer months, you’re likely going to want to put some miles on your bike. After all, warm, dry weather is perfect for riding! But the fact is that summer can also be a dangerous time to ride. There are risks to your health you need to plan for. Safe biking in Boca Raton, FL is possible with some planning ahead of time. Here are some ways to beat the heat while still enjoying your bike this summer: Drink water: On hot days, you’re going to sweat a lot, so you need to replace those fluids. Make sure you... View Article
May 8, 2018 11:51 pm
Published by Writer
Every cyclist can’t wait for clear skies and the warm temperatures that are ideal for taking a long bike ride. Whether you commute, ride for fun or do it for exercise, you’ll want to make sure your bike is in the best condition possible. After all, it’s safer and more fun to ride a bike that you know is working properly. Today we’ll go over some ways to make sure your bike is ready to ride. And if you find that your bike needs a bit more care, then you should see a professional for a little bike maintenance in... View Article